Developers and EclipseShell
If you want to help out with EclipseShell, there are several areas where
you can start.
Add support for a new dynamic language
EclipseShell was designed to be extensible, so you can add a new
language support easily by writing a new Eclipse plugin.
I’ll add some further documentation for this, but here are a few basic
steps that you can already follow.
First look at one of the existing language providers by looking at their
code in CVS. Here is the EclipseShell CVS information page a
I can recommend the Javascript or Rhino provider, because they are still
very simple but show all necessary concepts.
After that, adding support for a language has these basic steps:
- Extend the
extension point
- Again, see what existing language providers do
- One hint: the delimiter and delimiterRegex attributes are needed to
allow storing command history files. Basically, a delimiter should be a
comment in the language, so they are ignored by the interpreter. These
delimiters seperate code regions, so they can be reconstructed when the
command history is reopened. The delimiterRegex is a Regex (using the
java.util Regex syntax) for recognizing these delimiters.
- the supportedRunModes attribute are shows which modes are
available. You can see these in the EclipseShell drop down menu: each
language has a cascading submenu showing these modes. There’s a loose
convention; “eclipse” means that the launched interpreter runs in the
Eclipse JVM process, “externalDebug” means that a new JVM or other
process will be started. Note: how this is done is defined by you in the
IExecutionEnvironmentProvider or IExecutionEnvironment classes.
- Create a language Provider, a class implementing
- Think of this as a Factory, that creates EclipseShell
IExecutionEnvironments. This allows you to create different types of
IExecutionEnvironments for different execution modes, files, etc.
- Create an EclipseShell ExecutionEnvironment
- This represents the instance of a launched interpreter.
- The job of this is mainly in the execute(String) method. This will
be called by the EclipseShell editor. CAUTION: To allow long running
code to be executed in EclipseShell editor, this method will be called
in a non-GUI thread!
- You can provide AutoComplete support by returning an
org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.IContentAssistProcessor object in
the getContentAssistProcessor(IProject proj) method. This will then be
shown when the user requests AutoComplete. CAUTION: be very careful in
the work you do in the completion process, as this is called on the GUI
Event dispatching thread; if you block in this code, the whole GUI will
be blocked!
- You can provide TextHovers for the EclipseShell editor by returning
a org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextHover object in the
getTextHover(IProject proj) method.
- You can customize syntax highlighting with the
getDamagerAndRepairer(), if you return a tuple (as Object[]) of
{IPresentationDamager, IPresentationRepairer} objects.
- If you also implement
net.sf.eclipseshell.extensions.IJavaRuntimeHandler you’ll get a handle
to information about the Java project this EclipseShell editor was
started in. This allows you to get JavaDoc information, Java type
information, etc.
Provide information for an existing language/interpreter
I currently provide the languages
- JRuby
- Beanshell
- Ruby (remote controlled irb)
- Javascript (Mozilla Rhino)
I provide AutoComplete at various levels, and some TextHovers for native
Ruby (using ri lookup). If you know more about these interpreters and
see how I could improve AutoComplete or provide information for
TextHovers or you want to provide better syntax highlighting, check the
source for these language providers and send some information to the
mailing list. If you’re really enthusiastic (or annoyed by a bug), feel
free to send patches.